I’m a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Houston, TX. Driven by the love of conversations, connecting with others and helping people learn about themselves. I am passionate about helping my clients heal from generational trauma, providing representation in the therapeutic space and creating lasting change.
As I have entered this space of mental health, I have become much more aware of our collective hurts, pains, and lack of representation in the mental health space. Some days, it seems the bleeding is coming from so many areas that I don’t know where to start.
Our women have held so many spaces and filled in the gaps in so many areas – and although done well, it has come at a cost. Our beautiful, amazing black men have now held the highest office in the land and still (side eye given here). Our children, our seeds, our future have witnessed some of the ugliest depths of humanity over the past few years.
The rise in emotional distress, suicide, generalized anxiety disorder, and major depressive disorder is taking a toll on our families and the communities in which we live.
There have been 2 very publicized school shootings and a major destructive Hurricane in Texas, I have witnessed the best of humanity – come, gather, mourn, and serve. The thoughts have come to me on several occasions “Where can I be of service? Why do we react? Why is it that communities, churches, strangers with different religious beliefs and socioeconomic backgrounds come together after? Can we do it differently?” The answer is an astounding yes!
This space is for all with a special emphasis to my collective black families. I love you all, I see you all, I need you all to thrive. Maya Angelou is known for saying “when you learn you teach”. It is my intention to create a space where we can speak if we choose, cry if we need, be validated with empathy and understanding, and most importantly – receive vital and necessary mental health information to choose life and do it differently with a culturally competent, Black therapist.
Marriage and Family Therapy for us, by us. We can. We will. We must.
With Love,
I’m a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Houston, TX. Driven by the love of conversations, connecting with others and helping people learn about themselves. I am passionate about helping my clients heal from generational trauma, providing representation in the therapeutic space and creating lasting change.
Kamili Wade-Reescano is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Houston, TX .
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I concur black woman. Keeping wielding those words of wisdom as we lift you up in prayer asking the holy father to replenish and invigorate you as you show all the power of healing.
Very respectfully
Your biggest supporter